Mindfulness and the Super Bowl

Seattle Seahawks just made NFL history. More than showing the power of a strong defense, they demonstrated to the NFL the power of a kinder, more compassionate and well-being-centered approach to cultivating a team and how building a positive mindset for success can give a team the winning edge. Despite the tremendous pressure and stress of SuperBowl night, the team played like it was easy to do what comes naturally to them.

Calm Clarity incorporates many of the techniques mentioned here to help students visualize success and cultivate a positive mindset.  So far, the pilots show, it is making a positive impact.

Please see the original article from ESPN cited below on our blog for your convenience.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Updated: August 23, 9:57 AM ET

Lotus pose on two

By Alyssa Roenigk
ESPN The Magazine

This story appears in ESPN The Magazine’s Sept. 2 NFL Preview. 

“IT’S DIFFERENT HERE,” Pete Carroll says. “Have you noticed?” It’s hard not to. At 9 a.m. on the first Sunday of training camp in Renton, Wash., high-performance sports psychologist Mike Gervais, dressed in a navy Seahawks hoodie and white baseball cap and flashing more enthusiasm than is rational at this hour, welcomes players into a meeting room at the Virginia Mason Athletic Center. This place used to be the site of a coal tar refinery; now it’s the happiest, greenest campsite in the history of the NFL. Gervais is about to lead a meditation session and, as he always does, instructs the players to hit record on their phone voice-recorder apps and to close their eyes. Then he starts guiding them: “Quiet your minds,” “Focus your attention inwardly” and “Visualize success.”

To read more, please go to the original article: Lotus pose on two

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