Mindful Leadership Program


Our Philosophy on Leadership

Real leadership is not a job or title―it’s a state of mind. It’s about the capacity to access wisdom and to inspire and bring out the best in yourself and other people. The potential to lead lies within everyone.

The capacity for mindful leadership comes from beginner’s mind, a state of freedom from our inner critic. It means not being held back by self-limiting beliefs, fear, and anxiety. Mindful leadership makes us aware of a potential in ourselves and all people that is, in its essence, unlimited.

The Calm Clarity Mindful Leadership Program consists of four experiential modules that shows people how to strengthen the neural networks that enable them to be more effective, innovative, and collaborative.


The length of each module is 2 to 2.5 hours. Workshops can be scheduled weekly, monthly, or quarterly or as a retreat. We can also customize a program for your organization.

Further details: 

Part I: The Science of Mind Training

Participants learn the key concepts of “Mind Training” through experiential exercises and interactive discussions.

Module 1: Boost Brain Functioning
We explain the emotional states of the brain (which we call Brain 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0) and help you recognize your triggers and understand how you think, feel, and act differently in each state. We also introduce science-based techniques to activate and strengthen the neural circuits of Brain 3.0 that support you to be your best self.

Module 2: The Voice in Your Head
We explain how our prior conditioning and beliefs shape our stream-of-consciousness inner dialogue we call the “mind-track.” We become aware of how our mind-track often sounds like an “inner critic” that beats down on us and other people or like an “inner coach” that guides us forward. We then activate Brain 3.0, which turns up the volume of the “inner coach” and turns down the volume of the “inner critic.”

Part II: Presence and Positive Relationships

We build on the insights and skills gained in Part I to enhance presence and deepen connection in everyday life situations.

Module 3: Minding Your Autopilot
We explain how the autopilot helps us to conserve energy by hardwiring habits into our brains. We then explain how mindfulness enables us to observe and re-train the autopilot so we can bring more of our patterns into conscious awareness. We then apply mindfulness to activate Brain 3.0, which enables us to observe and break habits that no longer serve us.

Module 4: Deepening Connection
We present research on relationships, communication, and empathy. Then we apply techniques such as mindful listening to intentionally build empathic connections with people and genuinely open our minds and hearts to see and feel another person’s perspective.

Please note: the Mindful Leadership Program is the first 4 modules of the Essential Life Skills Program.

Ready to experience Calm Clarity?

Join us at a weekend retreat!

Or contact us to train your team!

If you would like to learn more about the Calm Clarity Program, please contact the founder: due@calmclarity.org


“My senior executives and I found [Due’s] mindful leadership training very inspirational. Her powerful personal story touched all of us, and her faithfulness to the science impressed a very tough crowd (including the past president of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists.)”
..     ~Robert Kreider, President and CEO, Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health

“Engaging. Inspiring. These are just two words to describe Due Quach’s Mindful Leadership Program…A number of attendees even declared to have a reduction in stress immediately following the program!”
~Melissa Govette, Vice President, M&T Bank

“Due presented to a standing room only crowd at New York University…In just one short hour, she was able move people with her own personal story, convey the complex brain science behind her methods and enable people to experience the power of mindfulness. The practices Due shared can be easily applied in any life – no matter how busy you are – to increase focus, reduce stress and achieve high performance.”
.     ~Bethany Godsoe, Associate Vice President, Student Leadership Initiatives,
..       New York University

“Calm Clarity gave our company a common language when talking about maintaining presence in our work and with ourselves and each other…It was definitely worth it!”
     ~John Silkey, Director, Milepost Consulting

“The session was a powerful reminder that a few minutes of thoughtful meditation can have a significant impact on mental well-being and personal effectiveness. Calm Clarity seems well designed to fit into the realities of busy professionals.”
 ..     ~CFO, Whitney Museum of American Art

“After years of wanting to add meditation into the [LEADERSHIP PHILADELPHIA] curriculum, we found the right person: Due Quach from Calm Clarity. Her approach offers scientific research combined with an easily understood framework to practice meditation.”
~CEO, LEADERSHIP Philadelphia, February Newsletter

“Due brought the Calm Clarity techniques to a sold out Wharton Club & Penn Club event…She was an extremely engaging speaker with a unique ability to convey important ideas to the audience about brain science and how to bring more calm to our stressful lives. There were many positive comments from audience members after the program. I would highly recommend the program!”
~President, the Wharton Alumni Club of Philadelphia